Sunset House
On a high, steep, downhill site the flat building area is created by the existing retaining wall to the north which follows the curve of the street. The views to the south which become the focus of the design are over the Los Angeles basin with the Pacific visible over the hills to the west and the downtown visible to the east.
The gate at the upper street level opens onto a bridge like terrace that runs along the side of the garage to the front door while over looking the kitchen court. An exterior stair leading down into the court can be used for direct access to the kitchen. The entrance between the two guest rooms allows views down over the stair hall into the living room below. Across the stair landing is the main bedroom. Above this hall is a clerestory to the north and a sloping solar collector on the sloped roof to the south. The collector provides all heating and hot water for house and pool. The lower level is a collection of spatially interconnected spaces of one and two stories. The living room and dining rooms are along the southerly view edge. Deep overhanging terraces and roofs assure that no sun strikes the glass walls on the south. The spatial progression from upper to lower levels and from north to south is from more dense private and enclosed rooms to lighter more open and connected rooms.
Location: Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
Single Family House
2,600 square feet
Bahman Hassan